about us

SEAL Consultancy Pte Ltd

Healthcare has traditionally been treated as a separate entity on its own.

SEAL Consultancy was born out of a vision to help individuals and corporations to integrate healthcare into other key aspects of their life and environment so that they are best placed to live their life to the fullest and in the best possible state. This is how SEAL Consultancy envisions a life well lived to be. This is holistic living in practice.

10 Reasons Companies Need
Healthcare Consultancy

  1. Employees with better health are more likely to be happy and productive.
  2. Manage healthcare confidently with the help of an insider.
  3. Potentially reduce insurance claims and medical expenses.
  4. More effective management of health through a better understanding of health profile and customized approach.
  5. Companies are better able to retain their employees.
  6. Companies can showcase to others on how to be a proactive and caring employer.
  7. Higher work productivity through reduced absenteeism.
  8. Better able to integrate older and younger employees through coordinated health promotion and education programme.
  9. Ability to negotiate with external vendors on an equal level on healthcare matters. Lower likelihood of going into a suboptimal and costly contract.
  10. Always able to deal with healthcare matters confidently.

What can we provide?

  • Health risk and status assessment
  • Proactive and customised health optimisation based on risk status, current lifestyle, medical history and most importantly, client’s goals
  • Targeted health screening with comprehensive pre-and post-health screening consultation
  • Arrangement for access to personalised telemedicine, nursing, caregiver training, nutrition, allied health and health education resources
  • Health and wellness advocate/concierge fee-only medical services
  • Guidance on addressing medical underwriting assessment

Why this? Why now?

Financial wellness and health wellness have traditionally been managed and looked after separately by different service providers.

No one-stop holistic solution provider with a thorough overview of the financial and health wellness status and progress.

As the society becomes more affluent, together with rising expectation, it is time to integrate the 2 for a more holistic and seamless proactive planning and optimisation.
Closer alignment of financial, wealth, legacy and health goals leads to a life well lived.

SEAL Consultancy is here to help you plan and achieve health and wellness goals so that you have a life well lived.